Massage @ The Inner Place
Indian Head Massage
Indian head massage is a seated massage that can be applied through clothes or directly on to the skin, using oil. This is an adaptation of traditional Swedish massage used for treating the scalp, face, neck, shoulders and upper arms. The massage, uses a variety of techniques including circular massage strokes on the scalp, deep tissue work on the shoulders and techniques for releasing muscle tension and stretching the neck. By working on the head, neck and shoulders, Indian Head massage works on the areas of the body that are most affected by stress. Whilst the treatment is confined to these parts of the body, it’s effects can be felt throughout the body; relieving the symptoms of stress, renewing energy levels and detoxifying the body.
Indian head massage is a deeply soothing, relaxing treatment, allowing our minds to quieten and thoughts to be stilled. Just as if someone has pressed your reset button.
Please contact Sal Williams on 07704803694 or e-mail:

Holistic & Therapeutic Massage
Our resident therapist, Sal, has a special interest in helping people who experience anxiety and other mental health conditions. As a Registered Mental Nurse I have over 20 years experience in the field of mental health and elder care.
Massage can be incredibly helpful in reducing stress and making us feel more at home in our bodies. To feel comfortable in our own skin, rebalanced and energised is a wonderful gift to give to ourselves.
Why not find time to reconnect with your self and make an appointment at the Inner Place. Competitive pricing is offered so as many people as possible can benefit from this truly restorative treatment:
- Standard massage £40 per hour but concessions available.
Please contact Sal Williams on 07704803694 or e-mail:
- Massages can be offered at the Inner Place on Fridays and Saturdays and other times by appointment.
- Also available in treatment room in West Malvern.